Kyle Schulman

@Kyl_sch99 Kyle Shulman has officially signed the Fearless Warrior Sponsorship Contract with Mind & Muscle Medicine, LLC! This contract secures his opportunity to receive free massage therapy sessions tailored to every phase of his training ensuring that his body maintains optimal function as he progresses in his athletic career!

Cheers to you Kyle & I am honored to be apart of your journey and excited to see you smash goals & earn that well deserved success in Olympic Weightlifting!

Looking to take your strength to a new level? Talk to Kyle about his coaching options and get one on one training from this incredible athlete!

An Olympic Weightlifting Athlete! This guy has drive & love for his sport for an amazing foundation to his unbelievable strength! He took 5th in the USA Weightlifting National Championships out in Detroit, Michigan in the 109kg weight class opening with a 135kg Snatch & 175kg Clean & Jerk!

When asking him what he hopes to gain from this competition he says:“I hope to leave this competition gaining experience competing at the highest national level in USA weightlifting. This is my first nationals and hope that it is the start of an amazing journey of success in the sport!” -Kyle

Good Luck Kyle from all of us here! It’s been amazing to be apart of your journey supporting your training through recovery session on the table! You got the fire within you! Time to unleash it at Nationals & let the USA Olympic Weightlifting world know who you are!

Join Mind & Muscle Medicine & feel free to comment below by showing him some support!

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