
Classic Powerlifting Meet Unsanctioned
We will use a Standard Powerbar for all 3 lifts and weights will be in pounds not kilos.

Barbell Squat, Barbell Bench Press, and Barbell Deadlift will be the three movements at which each athlete will have three attempts per lift. Your highest successful attempts are added together to create a competitive total.

Awards will be given for the highest totals in each weight class for both men and women. Best lifter awards go to the two highest coefficient using the Wilks Calculation for both male and female.

There will be 24hr weigh ins. No Same Day Weigh Ins!

Equipment check and rack height done at weigh ins.

Weight classes are the same for men and women: (Don’t like it? Don’t care!)
114lbs, 123lbs, 132lbs, 148lbs, 165lbs, 181lbs, 198lbs, 220lbs, 242lbs, 275lbs, SHW

Commands and expectations for all three lifts are as follows:
The lifter has 60seconds to approach the platform after their name and attempt has been called.

Squat: Once the weight has been un-racked and the lifter has shown control, they will recieve the “Squat” command to commence the lift. There is no depth command. Once the lifter has stood back up with the weight and are under control will they receive the “Rack” command
Two commands for Squat: “Squat” and “Rack”

Bench Press: Upon un-racking the barbell and the lifter showing control will they receive the “Press” command. Lowering the bar to their chest the lifter will pause for a brief period (to show control) and then another “Press” command is given to press the barbell back into its starting position. Once locked out, the lifter will wait for the final command “Rack”
Three commands for Bench: “Press”, “Press” and “Rack”

Deadlift: The lifter can set up and begin the pull whenever their callout and those to follow has been announced. Once the lifter has hoisted the barbell into the lock out position, the “Down” command will be given and the lifter is expected to put the barbell down in a controlled manner.
One Command for Deadlift: “Down”

This powerlifting meet is about being awesome and strong. No federation politics and fancy lifter drama. If you want to have fun, lift weights with high camaraderie and dig the old school roots of powerlifting this is your event!

** Looking for guidance & support? Matt will be offering a 5 week peaking program! **