Strongman Competition

Awards will be 1st-3rd place and an invitation to USS Nationals!

Log/axle press:

This is a “buy in” event. Athletes will have to successfully clean & press the log for 1 rep before moving onto the axle press. Once the athlete receives the down command on the log, they can clean the axle and press away for reps. Athletes are not allowed to rest the axle on their belt or head, the rep will not be counted. Equipment not allowed: tacky, gloves, straps, build up belts.

Mammoth Bar Deadlift:

Athletes will receive the down command at the top of the lift, once control is shown. There will be no up command, but touch and go’s will not be allowed, the bar must rest on the floor. Equipment not allowed: tacky, gloves, deadlift suits.

Truck Pull:

Athletes will be harnessed to the front of the truck, the truck will start on the line, while the athlete is ahead of the line. On the go command, the athlete will pull the truck 50′ until the front of the truck crosses the finish line NOT THE ATHLETE. There will be an anchor rope and someone to pull the rope unless the athlete chooses to have someone do it for them. Equipment not allowed: tacky.

Frame Carry:

At the start line, the front of the frame will be on the line. On the go command, the athlete will pick up the frame and carry it until the entire frame is across the line 50′ away. Unlimited drops allowed. There will be a slide penalty of 2 seconds. Equipment not allowed: gloves, tacky, straps, build up belts.

Atlas Stone to Shoulder:

Athlete will have the opportunity to place the stone in a position that suits them. Athletes will start with their hands off of the stone and on the go command, the athletes will pick the stone up to the top of their shoulder. Once control is shown, the athlete will get the down command. Athletes must maintain control of the stone to the ground, IF THE STONE IS DROPPED, THE REP WILL NOT BE COUNTED. Athletes must wait for the down command or the rep will not be counted. Equipment not allowed: stone straps, build up belts, deadlift suits.


In the event of a tie, a tie breaker GRIP EVENT will take place. What that event will be? We’ll see!